Every journey always begins with one step, Semua perjalanan bermula dari satu langkah kaki ....

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

If I Have Wings

Well, aku pengen ngasih gambar ke kalian tentang bangunan di kampus Virginia Tech. Kampus yang sangat luas dengan dikelilingi oleh bangunan - bangunan indah nan bersih. Gambar ini adalah jembatan yang menghubungkan antara gedung perpustakaan satu dengan yang ada di seberang jalan lainnya. Nuansa kampus VT sangat nyaman untuk belajar, maklumlah salah satu kampus terbaik dunia. Di jembatan itu tertulis tulisan besar "Virginia Polytechnic And State University".

Kalian mau tahu homework apa saja yang diberikan professorku di kelas reading dan writingku. Ada banyak, salah satunya adalah essay writing. Setiap kami diberi buku yang disebut journal, kami diminta menulis tentang topik tertentu yang telah ditentukan oleh sang professor. Kalian pasti pengen tahu nama beliau, namanya professor Chrisman, professor perempuan yang sangat gaul dan kadang serampangan saat mengajar. Justru hal itulah yang membuat aku betah dan senang diajar oleh beliau. Beliau pengajar yang sangat baik dan santai, serta menyenangkan. Nah, ingin aku tunjukan salah satu karya hasil writingku dengan topik "what will you do if you have wings". Topik ini terinspirasi dari novel fiksi yang harus kami baca dengan judul "Maximum Ride", bercerita tentang mutant : gadis remaja bersayap dan saudara - saudaranya. Novel yang menarik dan sangat menegangkan.


Wings, for the creatures on earth, generally only available for birds or avians. The bird’s wings is located on the each side of bird’s chest and usually covered by fur. The bird’s wings is parts of the most essential birds body which enable them to fly. Humans who had wings, for long time ago, had been used to describe or show a particular power. As could be founded from historical evidence of human being. Angels, furies, or heroes often identified with wings on their back. What if in the real world, I have wings? It sounds interesting. If I have wings, I would fly wherever I like and help those who need like angels and heroes. But, in the same time, I would feel strange because I was different with others.

If I have wings to fly, I would fly wherever and whenever I liked. I would fly around the globe and see all the natural beauty of the earth. I love travelling so much, and I use my wings to visit one place to another place. I would see the earth’s beautiful scenery from above the clouds, and enjoy my journey. I would fly explore the earth from south to north pole and spin the globe by my self. I would be amazing. Can you imagine that?

Helping others is a very noble job. Helping people is not always give them money, but it can by powers. If I have wings, I would have the power, stronger than anyone else. I can move quickly from one place to another place. Therefore, I would help people to move fastly, help remove their goods to some place, help the victims of disaster, and solve their problem honestly. I would be low profile super hero. Although, not all I can do, but at least I help other with my powers and wings.

However, my appearance will definitely invite a lot of attention from people, because I am different with all of them. I am not sure, people would consider about my wings and do not stop talking about me. I will be a freak man for them.

Being the winged-man, I think, would be very nice and challenging, because I can fly wherever and whenever I like, and help people like super hero or angel. But, in the others hand, I certainly considered be a freak-man with the wings. Hopefully, with the goodness that I’ve been done, the community will accepted me well.

"Coretan ini belum dikoreksi oleh professorku, jadi cukup dibaca saja, tidak menerima komentar, hehe"


Panca DP

1105, Kenwood Dr, Blacksburg, VA

03/24/2011; 07.17 p.m

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