Every journey always begins with one step, Semua perjalanan bermula dari satu langkah kaki ....

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Stuck by Traffic

Have you ever stucked in traffic jam during rush hour in the way you go back after whole day work?. If you ever in this circumstance, you will be more sensitive and easier to become mad. This day, i felt this condition during my home trip after working whole day and felt like i wanted to kick every body around me who stucked my way. It was very annoying. I often stuck in the traffic jam like this when i am at Jakarta, the most horrible city in the world, and the feeling of being stucked is the same. Annoying.  It is no wonder if you will find kind of long traffic in Jakarta, but it doesn't really often in Semarang. So, wedged in the traffic today for about 15 minutes was my worst life experience in this city. Semarang is not as crowded as Jakarta. That's why i still wondered how come this happened. 

I can feel now how the people of Jakarta's feeling. If i face this kind of traffic everyday in my way home after my tired day, it is no doubt that i will be crazy. I don't understand enough how the Jakarta citizen can survive or stand with the circumstance like this, face the traffic everyday. As the traffic has been their daily life. It's incredibly terrifying. I hope i don't get my life in Jakarta for long time, as if i stay and get a job in Jakarta, i hope it doesn't stay in the long period. Yaa, but who knows. 

Being mad and anger would be bigger and bigger if you are in the way to home and wish to enjoy the rest time at your comfortable home with your family. This is maybe one of the reason the people is often being easier mad and curse everyone else during rush hour specially when they get home after work. The traffic was so messy. Everyone want to as fast as possible get home and enjoy their rest time with their wife, sons, or other family. At least for make their mind and body get down and rest after working hard all day. It's normal for being human. 

I think, congestion is the most potent killer weapon, it makes you more stress. Traffic jam has become political issue specially during campaign in the governor election. It shows that this kind of problem has become more and more important for government. Congestion has become like chronic disease. It is very hard to solve and rearrange. 

Hopefully i won't have this such experience any more...

9 komentar:

  1. ha ha ha, you're right. Traffic congestion has become a kind of a scary ghost.

    Level of consciousness of less driving, lack of public transport services. and worse with no discipline, our society.

    Good article, salam kenal bro.. :)

  2. thanks for the comment, traffic may change people who nice and discipline become grumpy and arrogant..It makes you lose your tolerance because you need to get home as soon as possible like everybody else. Our traffic in our nation is being very stressful. crazy..

  3. We can learn patient from the phenomena 'traffic jam' ^^ Maybe, we can reduce impact stress with listening radio or Murottal Qur'an. Its make comfortable.

    Besides that, don't forget to use masker at the road --> for your health

  4. pardon me to say but Jakarta is NOT the most horrible city in the world.
    this time I can't be disagree more -_______-

  5. Aida: sorry to say that, but that was my opinion. By the way, how can you still think that Jakarta is not the most horrible city in the world? Do have other option which the most horrible and crowded city except Jakarta? ;-D

  6. Aida: i need permission from you to put your blog on my friend blog list, is it oke?

  7. sorry i just read your comments hehehe..i have almost no time to care about blogs.

    yes, Jakarta is crowded but NOT horrible -.-
    you haven't visit all big cities in the world, have you? do, then compare! :P

    and no i don't think you need to do that. my blog is just...what should i say, a trash? hehehehe :D

    1. It's oke lah, setidaknya daftar list temenku makin banyak..;-D

  8. It's oke lah, setidaknya daftar list temenku makin banyak..;-D


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