Every journey always begins with one step, Semua perjalanan bermula dari satu langkah kaki ....

Jumat, 27 April 2012

Never Thought to be MC

Becoming a MC (master of ceremony) in very formal conference was never i thaught before. Especially if the language is English. I never ever asked to be that profession. Honestly, I still nerveous and unconfident if someone asked me to speak in English due to my speaking skill is not as good as my friends who ever got scholarship abroad or got high TOEFL score. Yes, I ever did get scholarship abroad, but my ability in speaking English wasn't that good. Seriously!. Oke, i might ever got scholarship and ever stayed for couple weeks in US, but i felt that my speaking skill didn't improve so much. My listening, reading, and writing occured improvement, at least, not so much, but not for my speaking skill. Sometimes, people opinion about our competency is bit annoying. I means that, i am not as good as people's thought.

Last night, one of my professor in my department texted me and asked me to become MC in general lecture which will be held by my department. It was little bit sucked, because as i said, i never become speaker or MC moreover who give words in english. NEVER. After i read her message, i took a deep breath for a while, and started thinking. Will i grab this offer?As if refuse her offer by making excuse?. I needed around fifty minutes looking my self in front of the mirror and talking  to mine reflection. Yes? or Not?. After considering alot of things, i said to my self that this was very great chance to improve my experience in the field of public speaking. I am often asked by several students body to be a speaker in their event and it is easy enought to say 'yes, i can', but this time, when my professor asked to be MC, i can't say as easy as i am used to. It is kind of weird and annoying. Hufft. But, then, finally, i replied her message, saying that 'yes, i can to be MC'. My world become little bit panicked and then i have to figure out how to be MC who saying full of english word. 

As soon as her message which order me to come earlier appear in my phone, i text my english expert friends for getting their advice how to be good MC. I also asked one of them to send me a english MC script example. Finally, one of my fellas who had very fluent in english sent me the script example. Hoooo, right now, i fell safer than before. At least, i have the script and i just need to read it when the event begin. Just reading, it is easy, isn't it?. I am very grateful that i have many amazing friends who have had many experineces in public speaking. They are just incredible, so that i often ask them to help me to ease my way. 

In the other side this chance makes me vervous but it also give me an opportunity to measure how much my self is. So, actually, this is very great occasion. I can see it positively. I just need good preparation and do my best as perfect as i can tomorrow. You can imagine, the show will be tomorrow, and i just have one day to make my self confidence for being MC first time using english. It is very challenging. 

But, one thing that i still think and often make me so dilema is i am a expired students, 10th semester and it seems that i don't deserve this. This university and its department is still having alot of students at least that younger from me, but why still i am?. I have expired and very senior. It is not good enough if my jenior doesn't get opportunities to show up their skill. The opportunities like this is very good place to train and develop my junior skill. I am very shame if i think about it and fell dilema. 

Let's wee what will happen tomorrow, hopefully everything will be fine. I'll train my best tonight in order to get my best performance tomorrow. God bless me. 

This is the script i made. I need suggestion on this because i realize this still has many eror or unappropriate words. Please correct in order to make it better.  

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen

First of all, we would like to thank Allah SWT for His blessing, so that we are all permitted to gather in a healthy condition today.

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all in this spectacular event. Thank you for coming here. Today, we have very great special lecture, it is the general lecture from our distinguish speaker and guest: Mr. Clive Jones from ACIAR (Australia Centre International Agricultural Research). He’ll deliver a lecture with the title”Tropical Rock Losbter Research and Development: Opportunity for Indonesia”.

Ladies and gentlemen, before we start this wonderful event, let’s open this event with say “Basmalah” together. Hopefully by saying bassmalah, our wonderful meeting today will be running well until the end.

We all are very honor to have Mr. Jones here because he has spared his time specially for sharing his broad knowledge about tropical rock lobster to us. Thanks you Mr. Jones for your coming and welcome to our beloved faculty. Give big applause to our distinguish guest and speaker; Mr. Clive Jones!.

Before we are getting to the main agenda, I would like to welcome to Prof. Moh. Zaenuri as our beloved Dean, Dr. Subiyanto as the head of Fisheries Department, Dr. Sri Rejeki as our beloved head of Aquaculture Study Program, and also to all of the professors and lectures in the faculty of fisheries and marine science who have come to this event. And of course to all of students of this faculty who have been willing to present at this wonderful occasion.

Ladies and gentlemen, this general lecture is organized by the Aquaculture Study Program, Fisheries Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University and supported by Fisheries Student Association (Keluarga Mahasiswa Perikanan).  

This topic, Tropical Rock Losbter Research and Development, is very interesting and beneficial for us to understand because we know that Indonesia is one of the biggest Rock Lobster productions in the world. Ya, we have so many rock lobsters in our national ocean. And as students of fisheries and marine science, this lecture will deepen our insight about how importance the lobster resource management is, particularly in elaboration its research and development activities.
Before we are going any further, let’s hear welcoming and opening speech in behalf of our faculty, who will be delivered by our beloved Dean, Prof. Moh. Zaenuri. Prof. Zaenuri, the floor is yours.

Thank you very much Prof. Moh. Zaenuri,

Then, we are getting to our main agenda today, it is general lecture that will be given by our distinguish speaker, Dr. Clive Jones. Please welcome to Mr. Clive Jones.

Thank you very much Mr. Jones for your wonderful presentation.

I believe that among of you already have several questions for Mr. Jones. I saw it from your curiosity gesture and notes that you are took during his presentation. This is sign for thoughts and answers, right?. And now, time for answer and question. I will give opportunities to 6 participants for asking their answer, but I will split it into 2 sections. The each section will be given for 3 lucky participants. Raise your hand, introduce your name and your study program, and then say your question briefly and clearly.

Last but surely not least we have reached the last agenda in this wonderful event; closing.

Thank you very much for our distinguish guest and speaker, beloved Dean, Head of Department, Head of Study Program, thank you for professors and lectures, and thank you for all of the participants. Thank you very much for your participation. We apologize for any mistakes during this event. That is all and see you at the next wonderful general lecture and ……… give big around applause for everyone here!.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb

4 komentar:

  1. REVISI dikit yaaa hehehe :D

    'Today, we have very great special lecture' gak usah berlebihan, satu aja, very special aja kayanya, great-nya hilangin.

    'before we start this wonderful event, let’s open this event with say “Basmalah” together.' gini aja 'before getting further into this event, let's say "Basmalah" together

    'how importance ... is' seharusnya 'how important ... is' , importance kan 'pentingnya' sementara yang mas maksud itu 'seberapa penting' kan?

    'We all are very honor to have Mr. Jones here..' seharusnya 'We all are very honorED to have Mr. Jones here'

    'Then, we are getting to our main agenda today, it is general lecture that will be given by our distinguish speaker, Dr. Clive Jones.' menurutku ini sedikit lebih enak: 'Then, we are getting into our main agenda today, the general lecture that will be given by Dr. Clive Jones.'

    'Please welcome to Mr. Clive Jones' kalo setauku biasanya itu disebutin judul speech atau presentasinya, dan ga pake 'to' setelah 'welcome', jadi 'Please welcome, Mr. Clive Jones - Tropical Rock Losbter Research and Development: Opportunity for Indonesia'

    'I believe that among of you already have several questions for Mr. Jones' gimana kalo 'I believe that there have been several questions among you', kalo aku gak salah setelah kata 'among' itu nggak pake 'of' soalnya

    terus pengen tau aja, kenapa pake 'distinguish speaker'? 'distinguish' itu bukannya artinya membedakan ya?

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. oh, sudah ketemu kenapa pake distinguished.
    kayanya mendingan 'distinguished speaker' aja, biar jelas Mr. Jones itu statusnya sebagai apa..

    'Indonesia is one of the biggest Rock Lobster productions in the world' seharusnya 'Indonesia is one of the biggest Rock Lobster productors in the world' atau 'Indonesia has one of the biggest Rock Lobster productions in the world'

  4. Mantap, makasih banget Aida...sangat membantu...maklum grammar-ku jelek abis..hehe


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